domingo, 31 de maio de 2020

Rinie - Papaver Rhoeas

Este tutorial é de Rinie e foi traduzido com a sua permissão

Tutorial: Papaver Rhoeas
Original AQUI


LB Tubes / Rinie / Narah




Mura's Meister

Download: AQUI


E-mail: AQUI
Facebook: AQUI
Suas versões: 



*Modifique o blend mode e a opacidade das layers e aplique drop shadow de acordo com seus tubes.

*A ferramenta Pick Tool em versões antigas do PSP é chamada Deformation

*Em versões antigas do PSP:
Mirror / Mirror Horizontal = Mirror
Mirror / Mirror Vertical = Flip



(clique nos prints para visualizar melhor)

01. Coloque uma cor clara no foreground e uma cor escura no background.
(consulte a tabela de cores no material)

02. prepare um gradiente Linear

03. abra o arquivo alpha (rb-papverrhoeas) / duplique (shift+d)
feche o original

04. pinte com a cor do background

05. adicione nova layer

06. pinte a layer com o gradiente

07. abra a mask (narah-mask-1427)

08. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima /INVERT MARCADO

09. merge group

10. abra o seu tube misted / copie e cole como nova layer

11. layers / properties / blend mode: overlay

12. adicione nova layer

13. pinte a layer com a cor do background

14. abra a mask (narah-mask-1429)

15. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima

16. merge group

17. effects / edge effects / enhance more.

18. selections / load selection from alpha channel / selection 1

19. selections / promote selection to layer

20. select none

21. effects / distortion effects / wave

22. drop shadow: 0 0 80 20 cor do foreground

23. adicione nova layer

24. selections / load selection from alpha channel / selection 2

25. pinte a seleção com a cor do foreground

26. selections / modify / contract: 2

27. pinte a seleção com a cor do background

28. select none

29. effects / plugins / mura's meister / copies

30. drop shadow: igual ao anterior, cor preta

31. effects / distortion effects / wind

32. repita o distortion effects / wind

33. selections / load selection from alpha channel / selection 3

34. pressione delete em seu teclado

35. select none

36. image / add borders / 2px / cor do foreground

37. layers / duplicate

38. image / resize: 80%

39. effects / image effects / offset (0/49)

40. drop shadow igual ao anterior

41. ative a layer inferior

42. layers / duplicate

43. effects / plugins / mura's meister / perspective tiling

44. drop shadow: igual ao anterior

45. ative a layer inferior

46. image / mirror / mirror horizontal

47. merge all

48. adicione nova layer

49. pinte com a cor #ffffff

50. abra a mask (narah-mask-1412)

51. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima

52. merge group

53. layers / duplicate

54. image / mirror / mirror horizontal

55. image / mirror / mirror vertical (flip)

56. merge down

57. layers / propertie / blend mode: overlay / opacity: 60

58. merge all

59. copie esta imagem (ficará na memória)

60. selections / select all

61. image / add borders / symmetric DESMARCADO / cor do background

62. selections / invert

63. cole na seleção a imagem copiada acima

64. adjust / blur / gaussian blur: 15

65. selections / invert

66. drop shadow: -15  -40  50 30 cor do background

67. drop shadow: 0 0 80 20 preto

68. select none

69. coloque a cor 1(clara) no foreground

70. adicione nova layer

71. ative a selection tool (Selection Type=rectangle/mode=replace/feather=0) 
e faça um retângulo conforme o print

72. pinte a seleção com a cor do foreground

73. selections / modify / contract: 2

74. pinte a seleção com a cor do background

75. select none

76. drop shadow igual ao anterior

77. effects / distortion effects / wind 

78. layers / duplicate

79. image / free rotate left/90

80. posicione do lado direito. veja o modelo

81. layers / duplicate

82. image / mirror / mirror horizontal

83. copie o seu tube principal / copie e cole como nova layer

83.1 redimensione se for necessário

84. drop shadow igual ao anterior

85. posicione como desejar

86. abra o seu tube (deco tube) / copie e cole como nova layer

87. redimensione se for necessário

88. drop shadow igual ao anterior

89. posicione como desejar

90. selections / select all

91. image / add borders / symmetric DESMARCADO / cor do foreground

92. drop shadow igual ao anterior

93. selections / select all

94. image / add borders igual ao anterior, com a cor do background

95. drop shadow igual ao anterior

96. select none

97. coloque sua assinatura

98. image / add borders / 1px / symmetric marcado / cor do background 

99. adjust / sharpness / sharpen

100. salve: file / export / jpeg optimizer

Obrigada por fazer minhas traduções

Reny - Leona

Este tutorial é de Reny e foi traduzido com a sua permissão.

Tutorial: Leona

Original: AQUI



Christ / Reny / Narah/ Glenda / Yadex




Mura's meister
Unlimited 2
VM Natural

Download: AQUI


E-mail: AQUI
Facebook: AQUI
Suas versões: 



*Modifique o blend mode e a opacidade das layers e aplique drop shadow de acordo com seus tubes.

*A ferramenta Pick Tool em versões antigas do PSP é chamada Deformation

*Em versões antigas do PSP:
Mirror / Mirror Horizontal = Mirror
Mirror / Mirror Vertical = Flip



(clique nos prints para visualizar melhor)

01. Coloque uma cor escura no foreground e uma cor clara no background

02. abra uma nova imagem transparente com 850x600px

03. effects / plugins / mura's meister / cloud

04. effects / plugins / mehdi / hsl plus

05. effects / plugins / unlimited 2 / vm natural / speed

06. adicione nova layer

07. pinte a layer com a cor branca

08. abra a mask (narah-mask-1534)

09. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima

10. effects / edge effects / enhance

11. merge group

12. adicione nova layer

13. pinte com a cor branca

14. abra a mask (yadex-mask.png)

15. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima

16. effects / edge effects / enhance

17. merge group

18. abra o tube (stern-rekr.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

19. abra o tube (decor-rekr.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

20. drop shadow: 5  -1  50  5  preto

21. abra o tube (decor32.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

22. drop shadow igual ao anterior

23. abra o tube (decor16.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

24. abra o tube (element30-rekr.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

25. abra o tube (decor-18-refr.png) / copie e cole como nova layer

26. image / add borders / 1px / preto
iamge / add borders / 5px / branco
image / add borders / 1px / preto
image / add borders / 40px / branco

27. selecione esta borda de 40px com a magic wand

28. adicione nova layer

29. pinte com a cor escura do foreground

30. abra a mask (glenda mask 1)

31. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask acima

32. merge group

33. mantenha a seleção

34. adjust / add/remove noise / add noise

35. effects / 3d effects / inner bevel

36. select none

37. merge visible

38. image / add borders / 1px / preto
image / add borders / 5px / branco
image / add borders / 1px / preto

39. abra o seu tube principal / copie e cole como nova layer

40. posicione no centro

41. drop shadow: -1  10  60  15  preto

42. Coloque o título "Leona", usando uma fonte, cor e tamanho de sua preferência

43. coloque sua assinatura

44. merge all

45. adjust / sharpness / sharpen

46. salve: file / export / jpeg optimizer

Obrigada por fazer minhas traduções

Maria José - Vera Mendes

This tutorial is from Maria Jose and was translated with your permission

Thank you Maria José, for having done this tutorial in my honor. I feel very honored and happy.


Tutorial Original: HERE


Lily Garnier / Maria José





L en K's

Eye Candy 5: impact

Download: HERE



E-mail: HERE
Facebook: HERE
Your Versions: HERE



* Change the blend mode and opacity of the layers and apply drop shadow according to your tubes.

* The Pick Tool in older versions of the PSP is called Deformation

* In old PSP versions:
Mirror / Mirror Horizontal = Mirror
Mirror / Mirror Vertical = Flip



* Double click on the Alien Skin preset to export to the plugin

* Save selections in the PSP Selections folder

* Save the texture in the Textures folder of the PSP



(click on the prints for a better view)

01. put the color # ac9cd2 in the foreground and the color # 26193b in the background

02. prepare a linear gradient

03. open a new transparent image with 900x600px

04. fill with the gradient above

05. effects / plugins / simple / pizza slice mirror

06. effects / edge effects / enhance

07. effects / plugins / simple / top left mirror

08. effects / plugins / mehdi / sorting tiles

09. selections / select all

10. Copy this layer (it will remain in memory)

11. image / add borders / 50px / background color

12. selections / invert

13. Paste the image copied above into the selection

14. select none

15. effects / image effects / seamless tiling

16. selections / load selection fom disk / selection (veramendes-mj)

17. selections / promote selection to layer

18. keep selection

19. effects / plugins / l & k's / l & k's zitah

20. effects / plugins / ° v ° kiwi oelfilters / zig-zack

21. drop shadow: 0 0 80 40 black

22. selections / invert

23. repeat the drop shadow

24. select none

25. effects / reflection effects / rotating mirror

26. effects / plugins / simple / top left mirror

27. open the tube (deco-1-veramendes-mj) / copy and paste as a new layer

28. layers / arrange / move down

29. layers / properties / blend mode: screen

30. open the tube (deco-veramendes) copy and paste as a new layer

31. layers / properties / opacity: 50%

32. activate the promoted selection layer

33. selections / load selection from disk / selection (veramendes-1-mj)

34. selections / promote selection to layer

35. selections / modify / contract: 5px

36. effects / texture effects / texture (grid)

37. effects / plugins / eye candy 5: impact / glass

preset (glass-majo)

38. select none

39. layers / duplicate

40. image / resize: 50%

41. effects / image effects / offset (36/170)

42. layers / duplicate

43. image / mirror / mirror horizontal (mirror)

44. merge down

45. effects / plugins / simple / top left mirror

46. ​​activate the layer below - promoted selection 1

47. image / resize: 50%

48. effects / image effects / offset (140/0)

49. layers / duplicate

50. image / mirror / mirror horizontal (mirror)

51. merge down

52. open the tube (text VM)

(note: color according to the colors of your work)

53. drop shadow: 5 5 50 5 color # 26193b

54. open the tube (5110 - luz cristina) / copy and paste as a new layer

55. image / resize: 95%

56. position as desired

57. drop shadow of your choice

58. The layers will look like this:

59. image / add borders / 1px / dark color

image / add borders / 3px / light color
image / add borders / 1px / dark color

60. selections / select all

61. copy this layer (it will remain in memory)

62. image / add borders / 50px / white

63. selections / invert

64. paste the image copied above into the selection

65. adjust / blur / gaussian blur: 20

66. effects / plugins / l & k's / l & k's zitah

same as the previous

67. effects / plugins / ° v ° kiwi oelfilters / zig-zack

same as the previous

68. adjust / sharpness / sharpen

69. selections / invert

70. drop shadow: 0 0 80 40 black

71. select none

72. image / add borders / 1px / dark color

73. place your signature

74. merge all

75. image / resize: 1000px (width)

76. save: file / export / jpeg optimizer

Thank you for doing my translations