quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Pink - Pierrot

Este tutorial é de Pink e foi traduzido com a sua permissão

Tutorial Pierrot

Original AQUI
Créditos Sylvie Erwan / Pink / Narah
Material AQUI
Plugins Tutorial AAA Filters / AAA Multi-Filter
Toadies / What are you?
VanDerLee / Unplugged-x
AAA FRames / Frame Works
Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow
Unlimited 2
RCS Filterpack 1.0 / RCS Un-Earthly Vortex
Plugins AQUI
Atenção: Salve as seleções na pasta Selection do PSP
Contatos E-mail: AQUI

Facebook: AQUI

Your Versions: AQUI


(clique nos prints para visualizar melhor)

01. coloque a cor 1 no foreground e a cor 2 no background

02. prepare um gradiente Sunburst:

03. abra uma nova imagem com 800x600px

04. pinte com o gradiente acima

05. coloque a cor 3 no foreground

06. adicione nova layer

07. pinte esta layer com a cor do foreground

08. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask (masker_les 19_pink)

09. merge group

10. layers / duplicate

11. image / mirror / mirror vertical (flip)

12. image / negative image

13. layers / duplicate

14. ative a layer abaixo

15. effects / image effects / seamless tiling

16. layers / properties / blend mode: hard light

17. ative a layer superior

18. drop shadow: 2  2  60  5  preto

19. merge visible

20. effects / plugins / unlimited 2  / rcs filterpack 1.0 / rcs un-earthly vortex

21. coloque a cor 4 no foreground

22. adicione nova layer

23. pinte esta layer com a cor do foreground

24. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask (narah-mask-1123)

25. merge group

26. layers / properties / blend mode: soft light / opacity: 45%

27. effects / edge effects / enhance more

28. adicione nova layer

29. pinte a layer com a cor do foreground

30. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask (masker_2 les 19_pink)

31. merge group

32. image / resize: 60%

33. objects / align / left

34. objects / align / bottom

35. layers / properties / opacity: 75%

36. ative a layer inferior - merged

37. selections / load selection from disk / selection (sel-les19-pink)

38. selections / promote selection to layer

39. select none

40. effects / plugins / aaa filters / aaa multi-filter /
marque a opção (multiply-darken)

41. effects / plugins / toadies / what are you?

42. adicione nova layer

43. selections / load selection from disk / selection (sel-2_les19_pink)

44. copie o tube MR_Pierrot e cole na seleção
(Nota: se o seu tube for menor, não ficará bem nesta seleção, então, selecione
manualmente, com a ferramenta Selection Tool)

45. adicione nova layer

46. selections / modify / select selection borders

47. pinte a seleção com a cor #ffffff

48. select none

49. drop shadow: 0  0  100  15  preto

50. merge down - aplique 2 vezes

51. drop shadow igual ao anterior

52. layers / arrange / move up

53. copie o tube (texto) e cole como nova layer

54. layers / arrange / bring to top

55. ative a pick tool e configure: (X) 115 (Y) 233

56. ative a layer inferior - merged

57. layers / duplicate

58. effects / plugins / vanderlee / unplugged-x / radar

59. layers / properties / blend mode: soft light / opacity: 70%

60. copie o tube (decoratie-les19) e cole como nova layer

61. layers / arrange / bring to top

62. image / add borders / 1px / branco

63. selections / select all

64. image / add borders / 15px / branco

65. selections / invert

66. effects / plugins / aaa frames / frame works

67. selections / select all

68. image / add borders / 30px / branco

69. effects / image effects / seamless tiling

70. selections / invert

71. adjust / blur / gaussian blur: 50

72. effects / plugins / graphic plus / cross shadow / default

73. selections / invert

74. drop shadow: 0  0  100  35  preto

75. select none

76. image / add borders / 1px / branco

77. coloque sua assinatura

78. merge all

79. salve: file / export / jpeg optimizer

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