quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018


by Bea

Tutorial translated with permission of the author
Original: here



Plugins: here
Andrew's Filters9
Flaming Pear/Flexify2
Eye Candy 5:impact

Preparação:*Save the selections in PSP selections folder
*Open the tube and duplicate(shift+D), close the original
*If you find any errors in the tutorial, please let me know: e-mail


1. Open a new image of 900x600
Fill with the color #71a3c3

2. Selections - Select All
Edit/Copy and Paste into selection the tube Woman_018_BeaSol_Misted
Select None

3. Plugin simple - Quick Tile
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur: 20

4. Plugin Andrew's Filters 9 - Looking, Just Looking

5. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

6.Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer the tube Woman_018_BeaSol_Misted
Layers - duplicate

7. Click on Raster 2
Plugin Funhouse - Chaos Mirror:22

8. Click on layer Copy of Raster 2
Image - Resize 85% - all layers unchecked

9. Layers New Raster Layer
Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection Sel-lineas-Bea

10. Fill with the gradiente formed by colors #71a3c3 e #605da1

11. Select None
Effects - User Defined filter  - Emboss 3

12. Drop shadow: 1/1/100/2-preto

13. Plugin Flaming Pear - flexify 2

14. Layers - duplicate
Image - Mirror
Merge Down

15. Effects - Distortion Effects - Lens Distortion

16. Plugin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Perspective Shadow
Settings: Select Drop Shadow, Blurry
Basic: Use the color #142c45
Apply the plugin 2 times

17. Click on Raster 1

18. Image - Add borders - 2px - color #ffffff
Image - Add borders - 30px - use any color

19. Select the 30px border with the Magic Wand
Paste into selection the image copied in step 17

20. Plugin Andrew's Filters 9 - Four Corners

Change the values according to the image you are using, if necessary

21. Selections - Invert
Drop Shadow: 0/0/80/50-preto

22. Image - Add borders - 2px - cor #ffffff
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Add your signature
Save as JPEG

Thank you for making my translations.
Join my Facebook group: Arte em PSP Vera Mendes.

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