quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2018

LA VIDA EN ROSA - in english

by Bea

Tutorial translated with permission of the author
Original Here

Material: here

Ana Ridzi

Plugins: here
Mura's Meister
Graphic Plus

*Save the selections in PSP selections folder
*Open the tubes and duplicate(shift+D), close the originals
*If you find any errors in the tutorial,please let me know:email


1. Put the color #f997c0 in the Foreground and #a13560 in the Background
Prepare a gradiente:

Open a new image with 850x600
Fill with the gradient

2. Plugin Mehdi - sorting Tiles

Effects - User Defined Filter - Emboss 3

3. Layers New Raster Layer
Selections - Load selection from disk - selection Sel-lvrosa1-Bea

Edit/Copy and Paste into selection the image Danse08
Select None

4. Effects - Artistic Effects - Chrome

Decrease the layer's opacity to 60

5. Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection Sel-lvrosa2-Bea

Press the Delete key on your keyboard

6. Keep the selection 
Layers - New Raster Layer
Edit/Copy and Paste into selection the image Danse08
Decrease the layer's opacity to 50
Select None

7. Drop Shadow

Aplly the same Drop Shadow on Raster 2 and keep on it

8. Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer the image Line-diamantes
Effects - Image Effects - offset

9. Plugin Mura's Meister - Copies

Layers - duplicate
Image - mirror
Merge Down

10. Drop Shadow - color #542437

11. Click on Raster 3
Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer, the image Ana Ridzi 1860
Image - resize 80% - 2 times - All layers unchecked
Effects - Image Effects - offset

Drop Shadow - color #543427

Your layers will be like this:

12. Layers - merge - Merge all
Image - Add borders - 1px - color #543437
Layers - promote Background Layer
Image - Resize 90% - all layers unchecked
Drop Shadow:

13. Layers - New Raster Layer
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Selections - Select all
Edit/Copy and Paste into selection the image Danse08
Select None

14. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur: 30
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling - Default

15. Plugin VM Distortion - Mosaic Ripple

Effects - user Defined filter - Emboss 3

16. Plugin Graphic Plus - Cross shadow

Image Add borders - 2px - color #542437

17. Add your signature
Save as JPEG

Thank you for making my translations
Join my Facebook group: Arte em PSP Vera Mendes

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