quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018


by Bea

Tutorial translated with the permission of the author
Original Here

Material here


Plugins here
Photo Frame

*Save the selections in PSP selections folder
*Save the textures in PSP textures folder
*Duplicate (Shift+D) the tubes and close the originals
*If you find any errors in the tutorial,please let me know:e-mail


1. Open a new image with 850x600px
Fill with color #c9539f

2. Layers - New mask layer - From Image - Mask: Masc-Graf2-Bea

Merge Group

3. Select with Magic Wand, the interior of the formed image
Selections - Modify - Expand: 2px

New Raster layer
Fill with the color #231c16
Select None
Layares - Arrange Move Down
Merge visible

4. Selections - Select all
Selections - Float
Selections - Modify - Expand 4px
New Raster Layer
Fill with the color #5e7177
Select None
Layers - Arrange - move down

5. New Raster Layer
Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection Sel-Graf2-gotitas-Bea

Fill with the color #5e7177
Effects - 3D effects - Inner bevel

Select none

6. New Raster Layer
Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection Sel-Graf2-manchas-Bea

7. Fill with the color #a786bf
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - same on step 5
Select None
Merge Visible

8. Drop Shadow:0/0/80/40-black

9. Image - Canvas size

10. New Raster Layer
Fill with the color #957b7a
Layers - Arrange - Move Down

11. Effects - Texture Effects - Texture - Concrette

12. Merge Visible
Effects - texture Effects - Texture - Bricks

13. Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer the image Revoque
Apply the same Drop Shadow of the step 8

14. Image - Add borders - 30px - color #dfc1d5

15. Plugin AAA Frames - Foto Frame

16. Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer the tube Woman_001_BeaSol
Image - resize 95% - all layers unchecked
Effects - Image Effects - Offset

17. Edit/Copy and Paste as new layer the text: texto_Graf2-Bea
Effects - Image Effects - offset

18. Drop Shadow:1/1/80/2-black

19. Merge all
Image - Resize - with this configuration:

20. Add your signature
Save as JPEG

Thank you for making my translations
Join my Facebook group: Arte em PSP Vera Mendes

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