quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2019

Edith Spigai - Amor sem Limites

Credits This tutorial is from Edith Spigai and was translated with
your permission

Original HERE

Edith Spigai
Material You need:1 couple tube (no suplied)
1 misted Landscape (no suplied)

Download -  Here
Plugins Mehdi > Sorting Tiles
MuRa's Meister > Perspective Tiling
Graphics Plus
AAA Filters > Custom

Blog's Plugins  HERE
E-mail HERE

 Send us your versions or let me know if you have any problems
with the tutorial or material
Versions HERE
Groups Facebook / Google
Preparation Open the mask on PSP and minimize
Save selection to PSP Selections folder


Click on the prints for a better view.
Remember to save work as it runs
Change Blend Mode, Opacity, and Drop Shadow to Your Images
Pick Tool replaces Deform tool from older versions of PSP

If you have a version of PSP earlier than PSP X9, work with material marked with the letter "B" in the title.


Color table:

01. Open a new image with 900x600px

02. Put color 1 in the foreground and color 2 in the background

03. Prepare a Linear Gradient

04. Fill the image with this gradient.

05. Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

06. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

07. Layers / Duplicate

08. Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection (love-1)

09. Selections / promote selection to layer

10. Copy and paste in the selection your misted landscape

12. Drop Shadow: 0 0 100 50 Black

13. Selections / Modify / select Selection Borders

14. Add new layer

15. Paint with gradient

16. Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross shadow / Default

17. Select None

18. Enable the Copy of Raster 1 layer.

19. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 30

20. Effects / Texture Effects / Texture (Canvas Fine)

21. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

22. Enable layer Raster 1

23. Layers / Arrange / Move Up

24. Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Perspective tiling

25. Layers / Duplicate

26. Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror (Flip)

27. Effects / Distortion Effects / Warp

28. Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotating Mirror

29. Drop Shadow: 0 0 100 50 black

30. Merge visible

31. Add new layer

32. Paint the layer with the color #ffffff

33. Layers / new Mask layer / From Image / Mask (Narah_Mask_0579)

34. Merge Group

35. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Luminance (L)

36. Copy and paste your main tube / Resize if needed / Position as desired /

Apply Drop Shadow of your choice

36.1 Copy and paste as new layer tube (0_10aabc_c589c972_orig)

36..2 Resize and apply Drop Shadow of your choice

37. Merge Visible

38. Copy (Edit / Copy)

39. Image / Add borders / 2px / dark color

40. Image / Add borers / 40px / color #ffffff

41. Select this 40px border with Magic Wand

42. Paste in the selection the image copied in item 38

43. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 30

44. Effects / Art Media Effects / Brush Strokes

45. Selections / invert

46. ​​Drop shadow: 0 0 100 50 black

47. Select None

48. Image / Add borders / 2px / dark color

49. Copy and paste as new layer tube (Deco)

50. Position in the upper left corner as shown.

51. Duplicate Layers

52. Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

53. Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical

54. image / Add borders / 1px / dark color

55. Effects / Plugins / AAA Filters / Custom / Sharp

56. Merge All

57. Enter your signature

58. Save: File> Export> JPEG Optimizer

Thank you for doing my translations.

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