quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2019

Soxikibem - Witch Switch

Versão original de Soxikibem
Minha versão

Credits This tutorial is from Soxikibem and was translated with
your permission

Original HERE

Misted Fractal by Thafs - Image and Cat received in unauthorized exchange group

WordArt by Soxikibem

Versão: ISA

Material Downloads:

Plugins Eye Candy 5: Impact
Unlimited 2
Mura's Meister

Blog's Plugins  HERE
E-mail HERE

 Send us your versions or let me know if you have any problems
with the tutorial or material
Versions HERE
Groups Facebook / Google
Preparation Click on the prints for a better view.
Remember to save work as it runs
Change Blend Mode, Opacity, and Drop Shadow to Your Images
Pick Tool replaces Deform tool from older versions of PSP
If you have a version of PSP earlier than PSP X9, work with material marked with the letter "B" in the title.


01. Put color # 000000 in the foreground and color #ffffff in the background

02. Open file (graphic78_soxikibem) / duplicate (Shift + D) / Close original

03. Prepare a Linear Gradient:

04. Paint the image with this gradient

05. Select All

06. Copy and paste in the selection the misted landscape (castle_mal_haunted)

07. Select None

08. Effects / image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default

09. Adjust / blur / Radial Blur

10. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Toadies / Blast'em!

11. Add a new layer

12. Selections / Select all

13. Copy and paste selection to tube misted landscape (castle_mal_haunted)

14. Select None

15. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default

16. Adjust / Blur / Motion Blur - Apply 2 times

17. Effects / Geometric Effects / Perspective - Horizontal

18. Repeat perspective - Horizontal with negative value:

19. Layers / Duplicate

20. Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

21. Merge Down

22. Effects / Distortion Effects / Warp

23. Layers / Duplicate

24. Merge Down

25. Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Pole Transform

26. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection # 1

27. Add a new layer

28. Paint with foreground color

29. Selections / Modify / Contract: 15

30. Paint with background color

31. Select None

32. Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / Preset (Clear) /
In Basic: Configure as below / Bevel Profile (Button)

33. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection # 2

34. Selections / Modify / Expand: 5

35. Add a new layer

36. Paint with Linear Gradient:

37. Select None

38. Layers / Arrange / Move down - Apply 2 times (this layer should be below the Raster 2 layer)

39. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Toadies / Metalfalls II

40. Adjust / blur / Motion Blur

41. Enable layer Raster 2

42. Layers / Duplicate

43. Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

44. Effects / Plugins / Toadies / What are you?

45. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay / opacity: 50%

46. ​​Copy and paste as new layer tube misted (castle_mal_haunted)

46.1 Image / Mirror

47. Position to the right

48. Layers / properties / Blend Mode: Hard Light or other that best matches the colors you are using

49. Copy and paste tube as new layer (misted-fractal_1_tubed_by_Thafs)

50. Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

51. Layers / properties / Blend Mode: Luminance (L)

52. Copy and paste as your new layer your tube character

53. Position as you prefer

54. Apply Drop Shadow of your choice

55. Copy and paste as new layer tube (titulo78_bysoxikibem)

56. Position as you prefer / Colorize if you prefer

57. Image / Add borders / 1px / white

58. Image / Add borders / 3px / black

59. Image / Add borders / 1 px / white

60. Image / Add borders / 40px / black

61. Image / Add borders / 1px / white

62. Image / Add borders / 3px / black

63. Image / Add borders / 1px / white

64. Image / Add borders / 1px / black

65. Enter your signature

66. Merge all


Thank you for doing my translations.

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