terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2020

Bea - Nostalgia - in english

This tutorial is from Bea and has been translated with your permission

Tutorial: Nostalgia, Bea's tutorial - Original HERE

Credits: Karine Dre@m / Hebe

Material - HERE

Tramages / Pool shadow
Flaming Pear / Flexify 2
AP 01 [Innovations] / Distort Sliced ​​Turn

Plugins - HERE

Meu e-mail: AQUI
Meu grupo no Facebook: AQUI
Suas versões: AQUI


(Click on the images of the prints to see better)

01. Open a new image with 950x600px.

02. Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection (Sel-Nostalgias-1-Bea)

03. Place color # 658d30 in the foreground and color # 1a3713 in the background

04. Prepare a Sunburst gradient

05. Fill the selection with this gradient

06. Keep the selection

07. Effects / Plugins / Tramages / Pool Shadow

08. Effects / Texture Effects / Blinds / color # 1a3713

09. Selections / Modify / Expand: 3

10. Layers / New Raster Layer

11. Fill this layer with a golden pattern configured with Angle: 45 and Scale: 100

12. Select None

13. Layers / Arrange / Move down

14. Merge visible

15. Effects / Plugins / Flaming Pear / Flexify 2

16. Drop shadow: 2 2 50 10 - color # b3e632

17. Repeat the Drop Shadow in negative: -2 -2 50 10 - color # 63e632

18. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (0/124)

19. Layers / Duplicate

20. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (0 / -240)

21. Place color # 011c2b in the foreground and color # 1a3713 in the background

22. Prepare a Linear gradient

23. Layers New Raster Layer

24. Fill the layer with the gradient

25. Layers / Arrange / Send to bottom

26. Layers / Duplicate

27. Effects / Plugins / AP 01 [Innovations] / Distort SlicedTurn

28. Layers / Properties / Opacity: 20%

29. Layers / New Raster Layer

30. Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection (Sel-Nostalgias-Bea)

31. Open the tube (Misted_paisaje91_ByHebe) / Copy and paste into the selection

32. Select None

33. Activate the top layer

34. Open the tube (k @ rine_ dreams _Natural _Woman_1197_JUILLET2010) / Copy and paste as a new layer

35. Image / Resize: 75% - Apply 2 times - all layers unchecked

36. Drop Shadow: 0 0 40 50 - color # 658d30

37. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (286/35)

38. Layers / Arrange / Move down

39. With the Eraser Tool, delete the part of the image that appears below the bar

40. Open the tube (Flores-nostalgias) / Copy and paste as a new layer

41. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (-330 / 80)

42. Drop shadow just like the previous one

43. Open the tube (text-Nostalgias) / Copy and paste as a new layer

44. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (-103 / -172)

45. Merge visible

Thank you for doing my translations

Another version
Tube: Lily / Kads

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