sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019

Maria José - C'Est l'Hiver - in english

This tutorial is by Maria José and was translated with your permission.

Original HERE


Maria Jose
Narah and Lu (Masks)


Material - Download HERE


AFS Import
AP [Distort]
Mura's Seamless
FF Gallery J

Blog Plugins: AQUI



Click on the prints for a better view.
Remember to save work as it runs
Change Blend Mode, Opacity, and Drop Shadow to Your Images
Pick Tool replaces Deform tool from older versions of PSP

If your PSP is an older version, use material labeled "PSP ANTIGO"


My E-Mail: HERE

Send us your versions or let me know if you have any problems
with the tutorial or material


Versions: HERE





01. Open the masks on PSP and minimize

In the material has the preset for AFS Import.
Save to plugin folder or import from Unlimited 2

Save Selections to PSP Selections Folder

These are the colors used in the tutorial:

Put color 1 in the foreground and color 2 in the background

Prepare a Linear Gradient

Open a new image with 1000x700px

Selections / Select All

Open chart (card 2) / Copy and paste to selection

Select None

02. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default / Transition: 100

03. Adjust / blur / Gaussian Blur: 40

04. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror

05. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Top Left Mirror

06. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Left Right Warp

07. Effects / Plugins / Penta.com / VTR / Default

08. Effects / Edge Effects / enhance

Add a new layer

Fill in either color

Effects / Plugins / AFS Import / win_092

09. Effects / Plugins / Transparency / Eliminate black

10. Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection (cestlhiver_mj)

Press Delete on your keyboard

Select None

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Luminance (L)

11. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (0/30)

12. Effects / Plugins / AP [Distort] / Distort / ShiftMesh or AP 01 [Innovations] / Distort - ShiftMesh (depending on which version you have
on your PSP)


13. Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

14. Add a new layer

Fill in the gradient

Layers / Arrange / Move down

15. Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask (masklu732)

Merge group

16. Effects / Plugins / penta.com / VTR / Default

17. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless tiling

18. Effects / Plugins / Mura's Seamless / Emboss at Alpha / default

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay

19. Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection (cestlhiver_1_mj)

20. Open the misted tube

Copy and paste as new layer

Position as desired on selection

Selections / Invert

Press Delete on your keyboard

Select None

21. Layers / Arrange / Move down

Layers / Properties / Opacity: Between 65 and 70%

22. Open the Misted tube again

Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

23. Copy and paste as new layer

Position left

Layers / Arrange / Bring to top

Layers / Properties / opacity: 75%

24. Open the tube (deco_neige_blue_mj)

Copy and paste as new layer

Objects / Align / Bottom
(note: If you don't have this option in your version of PSP, you can move
down with the Move Tool. Watch the model

25. Add a new layer

Fill in with light color.

26. Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask (Narah_Mask_1395)

Merge group

27. Effects / Plugins / Mura's Seamless / Emboss at Alpha / Default

Image / Flip / Flip Vertical

Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Screen

28. Open tube (FEMMENOEL) / copy and paste as new layer
Position by model

29. Open tube (cute_neige_mj) / Copy and paste as new layer
Position by model

30. Open tube deco (deco_neige_2_mj) / Copy and paste as new layer

31. Open tube text (text) / Copy and paste as new layer

Position as you wish

Arrange layers according to print / Merge visible

32. Image / Add Borders / 1px / dark color (# 4f8ac4)

Image / Add Borders / 3px / Light Color (# c1e0eb)

Image / Add Borders / 1px / dark color (# 4f8ac4)

Image / Add Borders / 3px / Light Color (# c1e0eb)

33. Selections / Select All

Edit / Copy

Image / Add borders / 40px / white

Selections / Invert

Paste in selection on selection the image copied above

34. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 40

35. Effects / Plugins / FF Gallery J / Drink to Me

36. Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotating Mirror

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

37. Selections / Invert

Drop Shadow: 0 0 60 30 Black

Select None

Image / Add borders / 1px / color # 4f8ac4

38. Enter your signature

Merge all

Image / Resize: width 1000px

Save: File / Export / Jpeg Optimizer

Thank you for doing my translations.

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