terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2019

Bea - Entrelazados - in english

This tutorial is by Bea and has been translated with your permission.
Original here


Material - Download HERE


Ana Ridzi
Luz Cristina


Eye Candy 5: Impact / Perspective Shadow
Flaming Pear / Flexify 2
AAA Frame / Texture Frame

Plugins - Here


My email:

Send me your versions or let me know if
have problems with the material or tutorial


Check out their versions HERE


Before you begin:

Double-click the preset (Shadow_Entrelazados_Bea) to export to the plugin.

Click on the prints for a better view.


01. Open a new image with 1000x600px

02. Activate the Selection Tool / Custom Selection and configure:

03. Put color # deb53d in foreground and color # 630100 in background

04. Prepare a Rectangular Gradient

05. Fill the selection with this gradient.

06. Select None

07. Effects / Plugins / Flaming Pear / Flexify 2

08. Layers / Duplicate

09. Image / Flip

10. Merge visible

11. Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Perspective shadow / Preset (Shadow_Entrelazados_Bea)
If you want, you can change the color in Basic: Shadow Color and uncheck Reflect Selection color to match the color you are using.

12. With Magic Wand, click inside the image to select

13. Selections / Modify / Expand: 1

14. Open tube (AR16) / Copy and paste to selection

15. Select None

16. Layers / New Raster Layer

17. Fill in the gradient

18. Layers / Arrange / Move down

19. Effects / Texture Effects / Fur

20. Enable upper layer

21. Open tube (953-luzcristina) / Copy and paste as new layer

22. Effects / Image Effects / Offset (-253/30)

22.1 Apply a Drop Shadow of Your Own (Optional)

23. Merge visible

24. Effects / Plugins / AAA Frame / Texture Frame

25. Save: File> Export> JPEG OPtimizer

Thank you for doing my translations.

Another version
Tube: Nena Silva

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