quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2019

Edith Spigai - Filmstrip

This tutorial is by Edith Spigai and was translated with your permission.
Original here

1 tube man (not supplied)
1 tube woman (not supplied)

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BKG Designer sf10 II

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Submit your versions or let me know if you have problems
with the material or tutorial


Check out their versions here


Open mask on PSP and minimize

Remember to save work as it runs
Change blend mode, opacity and drop shadow to suit your images
Pick Tool replaces Deform tool from older versions of PSP


01. Put color # 000000 in the foreground and color #ffffff in the background

02. Prepare a Radial Gradient

03. Open a new image with 900x600px

04. Fill this image with the gradient

05. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / BKG Designer sf10 II / Pin Wheel Magic

Note: You can change colors in the last three effect settings.

06. Activate the Selection Tool / Set Selection Type tool for circle / Position the cursor in the center of the image and draw a circle as you print

07. Selections / Invert

08. Press Delete on your keyboard

09. Select None

10. Image / Resize: 95% - all layers unchecked

11. Drop Shadow: 0 0 49 50 Black

12. Effects / Photo Effects / Black and White Film / Default (Optional)

13. Select the circle again as in item 06.

14. Selections / Modify / Select selection borders

15. Layers / New Raster Layer

16. Fill selection with gradient

17. Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel

17.1 Merge Down

18. Layers / Duplicate

19. Image / Resize: 80% - all layers unchecked

20. Repeat items 18 and 19

21. Merge Down - Apply 2 Times

22. Drop Shadow: 0 0 49 50 Black

23. Layers / New Raster Layer

24. Layers / Arrange / Move down

25. Fill this layer with the gradient.

26. Adjust / Add / Remove Noise / Add Noise

27. Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

28. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / BKG Designer sf10 II / Quilt

29. Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror

30. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / BKG Designer sf10 II / Quilt

31. Layers / New Raster Layer

32. Fill in the color #ffffff

33. Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask (Masque-175-Azalee)

34. Merge Group

35. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Difference

36. Enable the circle layer

37. Activate the Selection Tool / center in the center of the circle and make another smaller circle, see print

38. Open the female tube / Copy and paste into selection

39. Drop shadow: 1 1 50 1 black

40. Repeat Drop Shadow on negative: -1 -1 50 1 black

41. Select None

41.1 Activate top layer

42. Open tube (Deco_Filme_2_Edith) / Copy and paste as new layer

43. Position by model

44. Open other decos / copy and paste as new layer / Position as you wish / Apply Drop Shadow of your choice / Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

45. Image / Add borders / 1px / black

46. ​​Image / Add borders / 40px / white

47. Select this 40px border with Magic Wand

48. Fill in the gradient

49. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / BKG Designer sf10 II / Picasso's Another Word

50. Selections / Invert

51. Drop Shadow: 0/0/49/50 - Apply twice

52. Image / Add borders / 2px / black

53. Finish to your liking

54. Put your signature

55. Merge All

56. Save: File> Export> JPEG Optimizer.

Thank you for doing my translations.

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