Este tutorial é de Marny Senastion e foi traduzido com sua autorização.
Unlimited 2
Sapphire Filter 1c, Shift Lines
Filters Unlimited, VM Distortion, Tilomat2000
Filters Unlimited, VM Toolbox, Blast
Carolaine & Sensibility, CS_Dots
Carolaine & Sensibility, CS-DLines
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01. Abra o arquivo alpha (MarnySensation_TopsyTurvy_basis)(Pasta BASISBESTAND) / Duplique (Shift+D) / Feche o original
02. Preencha a imagem com o gradiente 1: cor 1 no foreground e 3 no background
04. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Saphire Filter 1c / Shift Lines
05. Layers / Duplicate - aplique 2 vezes
06. Ative a layer superior
07. Image / Resize: 80% - all layers desmarcado
08. Selections / Select all /
09. Selections / Float / Selections / Defloat
10. Layers / New Raster Layer
11. Preencha a layer com a cor 2
13. Pressione Delete em seu teclado
14. Select None
15. Merge down
16. Drop shadow: 0 0 65 25 - cor 1
17. Effects / Image effects/ Seamless Tiling / Curved marcado
18. Layers / Arrange / Move Down
19. Ative a layer superior
20. Image / Resize: 60% - All layers desmarcado
21. Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
22. Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical
23. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Curved marcado
24. Layers / New Raster Layer
26. Preencha a seleção com o gradiente 2: cor 1 no foreground e cor 2 no background
27. Select None
28. Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur
29. Effects /Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS-LDots
30. Effects / Plugins / VM Distortion / Tilomat 2000
31. Merge all (Flatten)
33. Selections / Promote selection to layer
34. Select None
38. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / VM Toolbox / Blast
39. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Hue ou Overlay
40. Ative a layer inferior (Background)
42. Selections / Promote selection to layer
43. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Multiply
44. Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS-DLines
45. Select None
46. Layers / Arrange / Bring to top
47. Drop Shadow: -3 5 30 18 - cor 4
48. Ative a layer inferior (Background)
50. Selections / Promote selection to layer
51. Layers/ New Raster Layer
52. Preencha esta layer com a cor #ffffff
54. Pressione Delete em seu teclado
55. Merge down
56. Select None
57. Layers / Arrange / Bring to top
58. Ative a layer inferior (Background)
59. Abra o deco (MarnySensation_TopsyTurvy_rand1) / copie e cole como nova layer
61. Layers / Arrange / Move Up
62. Ative a layer superior
63. Abra o deco (MarnySensation_TopsyTurvy_deco1) / Copie e cole como nova layer
64. Ative a layer inferior (Background)
65. Selections / Select All
66. Selections / Promote selection to layer
67. Select None
68. Layers / Arrange / Bring to top
69. Image/ Resize: 15% - all layers desmarcado
70. Selections / Select All
71. Selections / Float / Selections / Defloat
72. Layers / New Raster Layer
73. Preencha a layer com a cor 3
74. Selections / Modify / Contract:1
75. Pressione Delete em seu teclado
76. Select None
77. Merge down
78. Effects / 3D Effects / Chisel / Cor #ffffff
80. Layers/ Duplicate
82. Merge Down
83. Merge all (Flatten)
84. Image / Resize: 800x533px
85. Image/ Add borders / 1px / cor 4
86. Image / Add borders / 15px / branco
87. Image / Add borders / 1px / cor 4
88. Image / Add borders / 32px / branco
89. Image / Add borders / 1px / cor 4
90. Abra o deco (MarnySensation_TopsyTurvy_deco 2) / Copie e cole como nova layer
91. Abra os tubes (MarnySensation_Teapots_2019 (1)) e (MarnySensation_Teapots_2019 (6)) / Reduza-os para mais ou menos: 35% / 40% / Copie os dois bules e cole à direita e esquerda na barra central conforme o modelo
92. Abra o tube (marnySensation_TopsyTurvy_01)
93. Image / Resize: 75% - All layers desmarcado
94. Copie e cole como nova layer
95. Posicione conforme o modelo
96. Drop Shadow: -3 5 65 15 - cor 4
97. Abra o deco (MarnySensation_TopsyTurvy_titel) / Copie e cole como nova layer
99. Drop Shadow: 1 1 50 1 - cor 4
100. Coloque sua assinatura
101. Merge all (Flatten)
102. Salve como JPEG
Obrigada por fazer minhas traduções
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