quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2019

Soxikibem - Mystery


Credits This tutorial is from Soxikibem for SIM PSP and was translated with your permission

Original HERE
Tube by Karine Dreams - Misted Paisagem by Jeanne - Decor recebido em grupo de trokas
Material Download - HERE
Plugins Greg’s Factory Output Vol II

Blog's Plugins: HERE

 Send your versions
Versions HERE
Preparation Open the mask (Jillmask_2012.2) on PSP and minimize

Click on the prints for a better view.
Remember to save work as it runs
Change blend mode, opacity and drop shadow to suit your images
Pick Tool replaces Deform tool from older versions of PSP
Groups Facebook / Google


01. Open your Material / Duplicate (Shit + D) / Close originals

02. Capture two colors from your tube. The model used the colors # c0653c in the foreground and the color # f7e7cc in the background.

03. Prepare a Radial Gradient

04. Open a new image with 1000x500px

05. Fill the image with the gradient

06. Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 35

07. Layers / New Raster Layer

08. Select All

09. Open the landscape tube / Edit copy

10. Edit / paste into selection

11. Select None

12. Layers / properties / Blend Mode: Soft Light

13. Merge Down

14. Effects / Plugins / unlimited 2 / Tile & Mirror / Distortion Mirror (Horizontal)

15. Layers / New Raster Layer

16. Selections / Select all

17. Open the landscape tube / Edit / paste into selection again

18. Select None

19. Layers / Load mask from disk / mask (Nevoa)

20. Layers / Duplicate

21. Merge Group

22. Layers / properties / blend Mode: Multiply

23. Layers / New Raster Layer

24. Paint with background color

25. Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask (Jillmask_2012.2)

26. Merge Group

27. Layers / properties / Opacity: 60%

28. Merge visible

29. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Background Designers IV / @Lakeside Reflection MMMM

30. Layers / new Raster Layer

31. Activate the Selection Tool / Custom Selection

32. Paint selection with foreground color

33. Select None

34. Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Soft Light or Hard Light (depends on the color you are using)

35. Layers / duplicate

36. Image / Mirror

37. Layers / New raster Layer

38. Enable selection Tool / Custom Selection

39. Color selection with background color

40. Select None

41. Layers / Duplicate

42. Image / Flip

43. Merge Down

44. Effects / Distortion Effects / Wave / Use one of the colors in use.

45. Select the solid color parts that have become

46. ​​Adjust / Add / Remove Nosie / Add Noise

47. Select None

48. Open tube (Decor_XL) / Copy and paste as new layer

49. Objects / Align / Right

50. Objects / Align / Bottom
Note: If you are using a pre-X5 PSP, position it to the bottom right, manually or as you please.

51. Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

52. Layers / new Raster Layer

53. Paint layer with background color

54. Effects / Geometric Effects / Circle

55. Image / Resize: 80% - all layers unchecked

56. Effects / image Effects / offset

57. Layers / Properties / opacity: 60%

58. Open your main tube / Copy and paste as new layer

59. Drop Shadow as you prefer

60. Position by model

61. Use the Eraser Tool to erase what's left of the tube over the left side effect.

62. Decorate as you prefer

63. Image / Add borders / 50px / white

64. Select this 50 px border with Magic Wand

65. Paint with gradient

66. Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders

67. Effects / Plugins / Greg's Factory Output Vol II / Pool Shadow / Default

68. Select None

69. Image / Add borders / 1px / black

70. Put your signature

71. Merge all

72. Save: File> Export> JPEG Optimizer

Thank you for doing my translations.

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