domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Edith Spigai - My Friend

Este tutorial é de Edith Spigai e foi traduzido com a sua permissão

Tutorial: My Friend - Original AQUI
Tube Principal: Misstyca
Flore: Lecture33
Mask: Narah
Outros materiais: Edith
Material - AQUI
Simple / Top Left Mirror
FM Tile Tools / Blend emboss
Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass
AAA Filters
Plugins - AQUI
Meu e-mail: AQUI
Meu grupo no Facebook: AQUI
Suas versões: AQUI


(click on the prints for a better view)

01. Open a new transparent image with 900x600px

02. Place the color # 3a4860 in the foreground and the color # e0cbb4 in the background

03. Fill with this Linear gradient

04. Effects / Plugins / Tramages / Glass Pyramids

05. effects / plugins / simple / top left mirror

06. effects / edge effects / enhance more

07. add new layer

08. paint with the color # e0cbb4

09. layers / new mask layer / from image / mask (narah-maks-1260)

10. merge group

11. effects / texture effects / weave

12. merge visible

13. layers / duplicate

14. image / resize: 85% - all layers unchecked

15. remove the visibility of the layer merged by clicking on the eye (continue on the layer copy of merged)

16. select the transparent part of the layer with the magic wand

17. selections / invert

18. effects / plugins / tramages / wee scratches

19. effects / plugins / aaa filters / tweed frame

20. adjust / sharpness / sharpen

21. drop shadow: 4 4 80 40 black

22. select none

23. activate and open the layer merged

24. effects / plugins / tramages / tow the line

25. effects / plugins / fm tile tools / blend emboss / default

26. activate the copy of merged layer

27. selections / load selection from disk / selection (selection_1)

28. selections / promote selection to layer

29. adjust / blur / gaussian blur: 15

30. adjust / add / remove noise / add noise

31. adjust / sharpness / sharpen more

32. copy your flower tube and paste in the selection

33. selections / modify / expand: 4px

34. selections / modify / select selection borders

35. add new layer

36. fill with color # e0cbb4

37. effects / plugins / eye candy 5: impact / glass
/ preset (clear, no drop shadow)

38. drop shadow: 4 4 80 40 black

39. select none

40. merge down

41. drop shadow: 0 0 76 56 black

42. effects / image effects / offset (-100/0)

43. copy the tube (deco-myfriend-edith) and paste it as a new layer

44. layers / duplicate

45. merge down

46. ​​adjust / sharpness / sharpen

47. copy your main tube and paste it as a new layer

48. apply a drop shadow of your taste

48.1 position according to model

49. add a new layer

50. open the brush in the psp / file / export / custom brush / name: Brush / OK

51. activate the paint brush / locate the brush / apply according to the model / foreground color

52. effects / edge effects / enhance more

53. image / add borders / 2px / # 3a4860

54. image / add borders / 40px / white

55. effects / plugins / aaa filters / aaa framer / default

57. adjust / brightness and contrast / brightness / contrast
(Note: according to your picture)

58. place your signature

59. save: file / export / jpeg optimizer

Thank you for doing my translations

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